Glossary Of Musical Terminology

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There are currently 29 names in this directory beginning with the letter T.
Tablature – A system of notation for stringed instruments. The notes are indicated by the finger positions.

Speed of a piece of music or a song.

Highest male voice with a range from one octave below middle C to the A immediately above middle C.

It means texture and defines the average pitch level that most frequently occurs within a given piece.  Eg, the song may start low, but if most of the notes are in a higher range, so the song would be described as a high tessitura.

The most important melody at any specific time in a musical work. There can be one main theme in a work, or many themes.

An interval of a distance of 3 notes.

A musical term referring to a curved line over 2 notes that indicates that the note is to be held for the duration specified.

Tone colour and quality of sound that distinguishes an instrument or singer from another.

Time Signature
Symbol at the start of a song or music score, indicating the number of beats to a measure or bar.

Pertains to tone or tones.

Sum of relations existing between the tones of a scale or musical system. Can refer to the quality of tones, the sound quality of a note, and also refer to the quality which affect the mood, expression or feelings.

Intonation, pitch and modulation of a piece of music or song, affecting the mood, expression or feel.The quality of your voice that results from the resonance reinforcement of the tone initially produced in your larynx. Every voice has a specific colour, which can be described as warm, dark, light or heavy . Two singers singing exactly the same notes will sound completely different to each other.

Unmusical, without tone.

1st note of a musical scale, also called the keynote.

To change the key of a song; to lower or raise the notes of a song or a portion of a song.

Highest part in harmonized music. Or, highest pitch or range.

Treble Clef
A sign that indicates the G above middle C, placed on the second line of the staff; Also known as the G clef.

Quick repetition of the same note or the rapid alternation between two notes.

Three note chords consisting of a root, third, and fifth.

An operatic technique used mostly, by sopranos. A trill consists of a rapid alternation between two notes, usually a half step or a step apart.

A composition written for three voices or instruments.

Triple Time
Time signature with 3 beats to the measure.

3 notes played in the same amount of time as 1 or 2 beats.

A chord comprised of three whole tones resulting in an augmented fourth or diminished fifth.

Succession of musical notes, melody for instruments or voices.

The raising and lowering a pitch of an instrument to produce the correct tone of a note.

Passage for the entire ensemble or orchestra without a soloist.

A nasally vocal technique used to achieve a powerful, crisp breathless head voice and to help create one voice. When singing from your head voice and moving into your chest voice.

Music composed such that each note is used the same number of times.

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