Glossary Of Musical Terminology

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There are currently 14 names in this directory beginning with the letter F.
It means False Singing. In male singers, a high register (actually, sung in the female range) similar to the head voice. It has a Minnie Mouse Sound about it. However, unlike the head voice, falsetto cannot blend with the chest voice. Female’s can also sing in a falsetto range.

A symbol that tells the performer to hold a tone or rest for as long as they like, beyond the written note value. It is usually referred to as a pause.

An interval of a distance of 5 notes between two notes.

The last musical number that concludes the end of a musical composition.

End of song.

A symbol indicating that the note is to be diminished by one semitone. For example, if we have the note D and we add a flat to it the note now becomes D-flat or D♭.

Singing that is forced may sound strained, and is accompanied by unnecessary tension in the throat.

Musical term referring to the shape and structure of a piece of music.

A symbol indicating to play loud or strong.

Loud then immediately soft.

Very loud.

An interval of a distance of 4 notes between two notes.

A composition written for three to six voices. Beginning with the exposition, each voice enters at different times, creating counterpoint with one another.

Full Voice
As loud as a person can sing without creating imbalance between airflow and vocal cord tension. Also refers to a tone that has a balanced resonance quality.

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