It’s easy to feel alone and lost sometimes when it comes to marketing yourself.

AZ Musicians BOOST Add-on gives you a powerful BOOST throughout the site making sure you’re featured and your information is an absolute priority.



A 1 day high priority campaign that features you in special areas of the site and more frequently during searches, filtering, and sorting options.


A 3 day high priority campaign that features you in special areas of the site and more frequently during searches, filtering, and sorting options.

1 Week BOOST

A 1 week higher priority campaign that features you in special areas of the site and more frequently during searches, filtering, and sorting options.

2 Week BOOST

A 2 week higher priority campaign that features you in special areas of the site and more frequently during searches, filtering, and sorting options.

3 Week BOOST

3 week highest priority campaign that features you in special areas of the site and more frequently during searches, filtering, and sorting options.

1 Month BOOST

1 month highest priority campaign that features you in special areas of the site and more frequently during searches, filtering, and sorting options.

* BOOST prices will change from time to time but never on you during a campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

BOOST Profiles and Deals

*PRO Musicians can click the Order Add-on button on their musician profile from their account page. Choose a BOOST option and you’ll be able to check out quickly and securely. You can also BOOST your Songs by clicking the Order Add-on button on the song you want to BOOST under the Songs tab.

*PRO Businesses can click the gear icon or Order Add-on button from the business profile they want to BOOST. Choose a BOOST option and check out quickly and securely. You can also BOOST your PRO Deals by clicking the gear icon or Order Add-on button from the PRO Deal details page you want to BOOST.

BOOST add-ons are one time payments and you’ll be able to manage your payment details from your Account page. As soon as a payment clears (usually right away) your BOOST campaign will launch.

* Only PRO members can use BOOST.
